Diplome de cannabiculture en californie

Messages recommandés







Bon grow.








- The Classic Hort 4101 + Hort 4102 Prerequisites required!




Hort 4101, Hort 4102 + any class from Guest Speaker Series (Choose your Favorite!)

Prerequisites required!






Hort 4101, Hort 4102 + 3 seats in any Guest Speaker Series (Pick any 3 in the future to attend, to be scheduled over time, dependent upon Guest Speaker availability)

Prerequisites required!





total: 4 hours -Hort 4101, Hort 4102 and 2 hours of detailed Indoor Instruction

Prerequisites required!





total: 4 hours -Hort 4101, Hort 4102 and 2 hours of detailed Outdoor Instruction

Prerequisites required!






Semester Programs



New students may now attend full semester courses designed with interesting and specialized cannabis cultivation courses, and have this work acknowledged on their Certificate of Completion. Grow Labs, started from clones or seeds depending on length, are included in all of the semester courses.






$550 INDOOR HORTICULTURE SEMESTER 10 Weeks (For the Personal Grower)

Prerequisite Course Weeks 1-4, Week 5-10 for Specialized Instruction

Week 1-4 Prerequisite Classes

Week 5 Indoor - Security Best Practices, Odor Control, Discretion & Safety, Good Neighbor Relations

Week 6 Indoor - Choosing & Implementing Your Set-up

Week 7 Indoor - Electrical Safety: Lighting

Week 8 Indoor - Seeds vs. Clones

Week 9 Indoor - Nutrients, Vegetation, Pests & Disease

Week 10 Indoor - Flowering, Harvest, Curing






$750 INDOOR HORTICULTURE SEMESTER 15 Weeks (For the Collective Grower)

Prerequisite Classes Weeks 1-4, Week 5-10 Specialized, Week 10-15 for Comprehensive Instruction

Week 11 Indoor - Introduction to Genetics, Seeds, Strain Identification

Week 12 Indoor - Collective Applications-Inquiry into ethical issues and environmental consequences, new lighting and experimental growing techniques are explored

Week 13 Indoor - Maximizing productivity with emphasis on production systems that are resource efficient, environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and profitable.

Week 14 Indoor - Advanced Garden Composition: Limited to Planting Design/Installation options. Development of grow operations using design principles and the design process. Discussion includes site analysis, concept development, preliminary design, final design, and troubleshooting techniques.

Week 15 Indoor - Grading, Determining Value, Ethical Allocation, Taxes





$550 OUTDOOR HORTICULTURE SEMESTER 10 Weeks (For the Personal Grower)

Prerequisite Course Weeks 1-4, Week 5-10 for Specialized Instruction

Week 5 Outdoor - Security, Planning & Maintenance: Odor Control, Discretion, Good Neighbor Relations with sound systems and production practices.

Week 6 Outdoor - Strains & Climate Adaptation, Soils, Preparing the Soil, Raised Beds, Containers vs. Earth

Week 7 Outdoor - Getting Started: Seeds vs. Clones, Fertilizers & Water

Week 8 Outdoor - Temperature & Wind, Greenhouses & Wind Walls

Week 9 Outdoor - Nutrients, Vegetation, Pests, Predators & Disease

Week 10 Outdoor - Flowering, Harvest, Curing







(For the Collective Grower)

Prerequisite Classes Weeks 1-4, Week 5-10 Specialized, Week 10-15 for Comprehensive Instruction

Week 11 Outdoor - Introduction to Genetics, Seeds, Strain Identification

Week 12 Outdoor - Commercial Applications-Inquiry into ethical issues and environmental consequences

Week 13 Outdoor - Horticultural cropping systems and production practices. Emphasis on production systems that are resource efficient, environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and profitable.

Week 14 Outdoor - Advanced Garden Composition: Limited to Planting Design/Installation options. Development of landscapes using design principles and the design process. Projects encompass site analysis, concept development, preliminary design, final design, and troubleshooting techniques.

Week 15 Outdoor - Grading, Determining Value, Ethical Allocation, Taxes

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Détrompe-toi, je n'ai pas regardé ce reportage, ni aucun de ceux qui passent sur M6 (ou W9)depuis longtemps. J'ai une nette préférence pour Arte et fr5, ça joue pas dans la même catégorie ;)

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Alors là !! tout à fait d'accord avec toi^^ :D


La qualité des reportages sur arté et FR5 est nettement au dessus!! Ils n'ont pas pour but l'audimat mais l'information... Ca se saurait "arté" qui fait péter l'audimat !! loool


Perso, je regarde tout mais je tire pas bénéfice de tout !! Tu sais pas... mais suis pas seul à la maison^^ donc j'impose pas ma dictature... Suis pas comme 80% des français qui déclarent être mettre de la zapette !! Je prône l'égalité et le partage... Enfin jusqu'à a certain point (je partage pas madame quand même ;) )


Mais comme j'ai dit plus bas, je te taquine^^


Tu m'en veux pas j'espère... PEACE :supair:

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  • 1 mois après ...



Si la californie offre un colège dans le genre, je suis sûre que ça a été inspiré grace à Jack Herrer! Le Chanvre peut changer le monde.


Pour + d'info, regarder ce reportage du début à la fin, hyper intéressant...







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  • 4 ans après ...
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