[Topic Unique] Dna Genetics - Reserva Privada - Crockett Family Farms

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DNA Genetics - Reserva Privada - Crockett Family Farms


https://dnagenetics.com/   https://www.dnaarmy.com/ 


DNA GENETICS a été fondée à Amsterdam en 2003 et est connue pour la création de plusieurs variétés de cannabis médicinal. En un peu plus de 6 années, DNA a gagné plus de 40 prix de prestige dans les foires cannabiques de plusieurs pays.






Crockett Family Farms.jpg




DNA génétics sort une ligne de graines nommée "reserva privada", qui ne sera sûrement disponible dans un premier temps, qu'à leur boutique d'Amsterdam.

Je vous retranscris la liste des new strains pour vous faire une idée:

- Appollo 13 sativa
- Appollo 13 indica
- Grape F.X
- G99
- Blueberry
- afghan big bud
- vermonster
- C99 IBL
- sweet timer
- hasch timer

+ reserva mix = old timer x (sweettooth, flo, haschplant, bubba kush)

Bon, vous l'aurez remarquer, DNA amplifie le créneau "clone only / clone only cross" en seeds, comme bon nombre d'autres breeders.

Mais ils ont à coté de ça des "classiques", qui vallent peut être la peine qu'on s'y attardent.

Alors à chacun son avis, les plantes parleront pour nous...


édit=> je n'ai pas trouver de "topic unique" DNA, j'attend confirmation/acceptation d'un modo pour passer ce thread en topic unique si possible ;-)


Edited by glass-blower
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Chouette, un topic DNA Génétics ! ! !



Leur Shop à Amsterdam est à cette adresse : - SINT NICOLAASSTRAAT 41 - c'est à quelques minutes à pier de la gare centrale en descendant par le Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal depuis centraal station à un paté de maison apres le coffeshop "Homegrown Fantasy". L'acceuil est fait Par D&A en personne et est particulièrement chaleureux et enfumé je ne peux que vous conseillez d'y passer si vous êtes dans le coin.


Leur Weed est disponible en partenariat au petit, mais non moins sympathique "Grey Area" tenu par John qui vous reservera lui aussi un acceuil tres chaleureux (ce qui est rare pour etre souligner dans beaucoup de coffe de la ville) le G.A est à 2 pas de leur boutique qui se situe à l'angle du Single et de Oude Leliestraat.


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juste pour dire que DNA a un nouveau strain=


sour cream = [sour diesel heilroom x G13 HAZE]


Commande passé et recue hier.





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pour ma part, je suis a 1 semaine d'une recolte de Pure afghan, de chez DNA.

Ils l'annoncent comme une pure landrace de la région de mazar il sharif,...

pas de photos, mais j'en prendrai une au moment du cuttage, promis je la posterai.



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  • 4 weeks later...




Je relance un peu le topic pour avoir des renseignement.


Pour Avoir des renseignement sur Dna Reserva Privada Mix pour mon outdoor 2009(Eh oui déjà en preparation avec la Tiki Mix elle arrache aussi.)


Description du breeder:


Reserva Connoisseurs Mix

The Reserva Connoisseurs Mix is the Reserva Privada strains that did not make the 1st cut. You could get any of the following: Grape FX, G99, Blueberry, Afghan Big Bud, Vermonster, C99, Hash Timer, or Old Timer x Sweettooth, Flo, Hashplant, Bubba Kush.


Il ya que des bon Cross.


Alors je voudrais des renseignement sur:

Grape FX



Hash Timer

Old Timer

Flo <----------- Dutch Passion ou Dj Short ???

Bubba Kush.


Si vous avez des infos sur DNA et ses Graine...



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  • 5 months later...

Yop, petit déterrage de topic pour dire que je fais actuellement pousser 6 graines de Sour Cream.


Elles ont 1 mois et demi de croissance (palissage, pinçage) et franchement elles ont la gouache à part une qui nous fait des feuilles un peu chelou mais bon ... (désolé pas de photo)


Je vous tiendrai au courant du clonage et de la flo surtout lol :-D

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  • 2 weeks later...

bien vu le déterrage!!


Annunaki - Genetik: Northern California Hash Plant x Cannalop... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~60 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Northern California Hash Plant x Cannalopehaze

Variety: 70% sativa

Harvest Date: September/October

Flowering Period: 8-9 weeks

Characteristics: Good hash making strain


This one is short and sweet. Fast flowering hash wonder. Due to the f1 status we have seen a few mutants that take 10 weeks but its not common. Making hash from this plant is a joy.

Strain Lineage:


* Annunaki »»» Northern California Hash Plant x Cannalope Haze

* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

o Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

o Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

+ Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)


C-13 Haze - Genetik: Cannalope Haze x G13 , Sorte: 90% sativa,... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~73 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Cannalope Haze X G13

Variety: 90% sativa

Harvest Date: October / November

Flowering Period: 10-11 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Mostly sativa strain with indica-like buds


We used the Cannalope pheno E for this cross. We chose the female for her heavy haze smell. Also she takes a bit longer then the Cannalope (:ptdr: f2, finishing In 10-11+ weeks. This girl is a strong one; a bit slower then the Cannalope to get going, but the payoff is a heavy haze, dense, dark buds. A and I could not decide on what pheno was better to backcross to the G13 father, the Cannalope B or E. And after plenty of testing we still could not decide which one was better. A liked the heavy haze in the E and D liked the bud structure of the "B". So it was decided - we made both! Mostly Sativa with Indica nugs.

Strain Lineage:


* C-13 Haze »»» Cannalope Haze x G13

* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

o Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

o Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

+ Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)


Cannadential - Genetik: Cannalope Haze x L.A. Confidential, Sorte... Indoor, Outdoor Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: indica/sativa; Flowering: ~56 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Cannalopehaze X L.A.Confidential

Variety: 50% sativa / 50% Indica

Harvest Date: 8 weeks

Flowering Period: September/October

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Good Indica/Sativa Balance


This plant is the perfect mix of indica/sativa. We have got a few "keeper" moms from this one, not for production but for head stash! Anything crossed into the L.A. results in something special, every time!

Strain Lineage:


* Cannadential »»» Cannalope Haze x L.A. Confidential

* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

o Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

o Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

+ Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)

* LA Confidential »»» O.G. LA Affie x Afghani


Cannalope Haze - Genetik: Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa, Sorte: 10... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: sativa; Flowering: ~63 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

Variety: 100% Sativa

Harvest Date: October

Flowering Period: 9 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Fast Flowering sativa


This perfect strain is the work of selection and a little luck. We found an 8 week wonder that lives up to all the controversy. Amazing you may ask an 8 week sativa, but we say grow these out and find out for yourself the magic in this strain. The bubble hash from the Cannalope is above average and the yield is good. The Cannalope can be mastered by experts and is a good teacher for beginners. The taste is like melon with a hint of Haze.



2. Place, IC420 [2005]; Breeders Cup, Sativa; by: DNA Genetics

Strain Lineage:


* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

* Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

* Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

o Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)


Connie Chung - Genetik: L.A. Confidential (female) x G13 Haze (ma... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: indica/sativa; Flowering: ~63 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: L.A. Confidential (female) X G13 Haze (male)

Variety: Sativa / Indica

Harvest Date: October

Flowering Period: 8-10 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Varies in finishing time


The parents of this strain speak for themselves; the classic L.A. flavor X the old school G13 Haze. This strain varies in finishing times; some finishing in 8 but mostly 9 weeks is good with the odd plant going 10 weeks. We feel if you happen to find a pheno that goes over 10 weeks its not really worth the extra time and thus becomes undesirable. This cross has proved to be a heavy hitter, and guarantees to make you Chineeseee!

Strain Lineage:


* Connie Chung »»» L.A. Confidential x G13 Haze

* LA Confidential »»» O.G. LA Affie x Afghani


D-Line - Aka: Chocolope, Genetik: O.G. Chocolate Thai x Can... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: sativa; Flowering: ~77 days; Normal or female seeds.


Genetics: O.G. Chocolate Thai X Cannalopehaze

Variety: 100% sativa

Harvest Date: October-November

Flowering Period: 10-12 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Large growing sativa


This plant grows BIG!!! If space issues are a problem might you want to try another strain. This sativa dominate plant will take over. It is very fruity then chocolate in taste.


5-times Cupwinner!

2. Place, HTCC [2007]; Cannabis Cup; by: Grey Area

3. Place, HTCC [2008]; Cannabis Cup; by: The Green Place

1. Place, HLC [2008]; Hydro Cup, Seedbank; by: DNA Genetics

2. Place, HLC [2007]; Hydro Cup, Seedbank; by: DNA Genetics

3. Place, SCCC [2008]; Indoor Bio Cup; by: DNA Genetics

Strain Lineage:


* D-Line »»» O.G. Chocolate Thai x Cannalope Haze

* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

o Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

o Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

+ Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)


Kushberry - Kushberry ist die perfekte Mischung von zwei Spitz... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly indica; Flowering: ~60 days; Normal or female seeds.


Kushberry Cannabis Seeds are the perfect blend of two top notch West Coast flavours. The Blueberry male from Oregon was used for his taste and vigour in combination with the zesty, lemon taste of the OG Kush from LA. The Kushberry is a shorter, stockier plant that produces as good yield.


The exotic flavour doesn`t rival her strength, she is one of our strongest strains of Cannabis Seed. The Kushberry is berry good for medicinal use, helping with pain relief as well as eating and sleeping disorders.


* A short, stocky plant

* A true exotic taste of the West Coast

* She is one of our most potent strains

* Very good for medicinal use


Flowering Period: 8 - 9 Weeks

Yield: 400-500 g/m²



1. Place, SCCC [2008]; Outdoor Cup; by: DNA Genetics

Strain Lineage:


* Kushberry »»» Blueberry x OG Kush

* OG Kush »»» indica


L.A. Confidential - Genetik: O.G. LA Affie x Afghani, Sorte: 100% Indi... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: indica; Flowering: ~56 days; Normal or female seeds.


Genetics: O.G. LA Affie x Afghani

Variety: 100% Indica

Harvest Date: September/October

Flowering Period: 8 weeks


Characteristics: Award winning indica


The high of this herb is psychedelic and energetic with a hammer. There are two real phenotypes and they will both finish in 55-60 days. One is a bit more hardy but both equal in effect. With an incredible smell and unique L.A. flavor, DNAs LA Confidential has won many awards including honors in the High Times Cannabis Cup Indica Category in 2004 and 2005.


3-times Cupwinner!

2. Place, HTCC [2005]; Indica Cup; by: DNA Genetics

3. Place, HTCC [2004]; Indica Cup; by: DNA Genetics

1. Place, IC420 [2005]; Breeders Cup, Indica; by: DNA Genetics

Strain Lineage:


* L.A. Confidential »»» O.G. LA Affie x Afghani


L.A. Confidential - Kreuzungen/Hybriden:


* Cannadential »»» Cannalope Haze x L.A. Confidential

* Connie Chung »»» L.A. Confidential x G13 Haze

* ReCon »»» L.A. Confidential x Cannadential F1

* LA Woman »»» L.A. Confidential x Martian Mean Green

* Tora Bora »»» L.A. Confidential x X18 Pure Pakistani


L.A. Woman - Die LA Woman ist eine Kreuzung aus zwei mehrfach p... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly indica; Flowering: ~67 days; Only female seeds.


The LA Woman is a match of two multi-award winning strains. She is great tasting and very strong. The L.A. Woman flowers a week longer than the original L.A., but a week shorter than the Martian Mean Green, making it a well balanced cross time wise. The taste is sweet and robust with the flavor lasting well after the exhale. The L.A. Woman is quicker to veg than the Original L.A., and her yield is almost double! This cross grows like an indica with one main cola and little side branching, and will work well for sea-of-green. With her incredible smell and strength, it`s hard to go wrong with this cross. People will be satisfied by the bag appeal and frostiness keeping all who try her begging for more. The LA Woman stays short, and if you feed her heavily, the buds pack on the weight early and finish in the best part of 9 weeks. Don`t be afraid to thin the large fan leaves in the 5th week or so. This will allow the light to penetrate the canopy and reach the lower sites and will be replaced within a week. Look for your flavor, is it LA you`re after, or Martian? Or maybe it`s a little of both, you make the call with this one.


Flowering Period: 9 - 10 Weeks

Yield: 400-600 g/m2

Strain Lineage:


* L.A. Woman »»» L.A. Confidential x Martian Mean Green

* LA Confidential »»» O.G. LA Affie x Afghani

* Martian Mean Green »»» SharksBreath x G13 Haze

o Sharksbreath »»» Great White Shark x Jamaican Lambsbread

+ Great White Shark »»» Super Skunk x Sativa (Brazil) x Indica (India)

# Super Skunk »»» Skunk #1 x Afghani

* Skunk Nr1 »»» indica/sativa

Lemon Skunk - Lemon Skunk ist eine Kreuzung zwischen den Phänoty... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~56 days; No feminized seeds.


Lemon Skunk Cannabis Seeds are a cross hatch between two Skunks with phenotypes chosen for their zesty lemon characteristics. With a Lemon Mother, which has been kept in Vegas for over 20 years, and a Father hand picked here in Holland, you know you are getting a heavy hitter!


The Lemon Skunk is a good yielder that will grow tall with a high calyx ratio. These Cannabis Seeds grow great smelling buds that are green with thick orange hairs make her one of the sweetest and tastiest strains if cut down between 50 - 56 days.


The Lemon Skunk has a special place in our hearts and our Trophy Cabinet!


Flowering Period: around 8 Weeks

Yield: 400-500 g/m²


2-times Cupwinner!

1. Place, HLC [2007]; Outdoor Cup, Seedbank; by: DNA Genetics

1. Place, SCCC [2008]; Indoor Hydro Cup; by: DNA Genetics

Strain Lineage:


* Lemon Skunk »»» Skunk x Skunk


Martian Mean Green - Genetik: SharksBreath x G13 Haze, Sorte: 60% Sativ... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~67 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: SharksBreath X G13 Haze

Variety: 60% Sativa

Harvest Date: October

Flowering Period: 9-10 weeks

No. of Seeds Pewr Packet: 13

Characteristics: Winner of the High Times Cannabis Cup 2005 for Best Sativa.


The chances here of something special are without a doubt! This is the same G13 Haze male that was going around Holland a couple years back. This was a male only situation due to only one seed cracking and it being male. So here you will get many different varieties. While growing these out there were some that finished in 9 weeks, but most were 10+ with one very hazy smelling plant going 12 weeks and still was cut early. She was saved for future tests.


3-times Cupwinner!

3. Place, HTCC [2006]; Cannabis Cup; by: Grey Area

1. Place, HTCC [2005]; Sativa Cup; by: DNA Genetics

3. Place, IC420 [2006]; Cannabis Cup; by: Grey Area

Strain Lineage:


* Martian Mean Green »»» SharksBreath x G13 Haze

* Sharksbreath »»» Great White Shark x Jamaican Lambsbread

o Great White Shark »»» Super Skunk x Sativa (Brazil) x Indica (India)

+ Super Skunk »»» Skunk #1 x Afghani

# Skunk Nr1 »»» indica/sativa


Pure Afghan - Eine exklusive Landrasse aus der Mazar-I-Sharif Re... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: indica; Flowering: ~53 days; No feminized seeds.


The Pure Afghan Cannabis Seeds are an exclusive landrace from the Mazari Sherif region of Afghanistan. And she certainly is different, being the only DNA strain that is bred outside of Holland and from a fresh seed stock.


Being a short plant from a mountainous region, the Pure Afghan is an early finisher with a short flowering time.


* A purely Indica Strain

* Grows short and stout

* Has a short flowering time


Flowering Period: 7 - 8 Weeks

Yield: 400-600 g/m²

Strain Lineage:


* Pure Afghan »»» Indica (Afghanistan)


ReCon - Genetik: L.A. Confidential x Cannadential, Sorte: ... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly indica; Flowering: ~60 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: L.A.Confidential X Cannadential

Variety: Mostly Indica (80%)

Type: f1 Hybrid

Harvest Date: September/October

Flowering Period: 8-9 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Indica Traits


The possibilities here are endless! This seed came from an original L.A. Confidential. We dont know how or what pollinated her but there were 3 seeds off one plant and the Mutant seed was the only keeper. The father Cannadential was chosen for its indica traits. There is plenty of magic in this cross for sure!

Strain Lineage:


* ReCon »»» L.A. Confidential x Cannadential F1

* Cannadential »»» Cannalope Haze x L.A. Confidential

o Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

+ Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

+ Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

# Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)

o LA Confidential »»» O.G. LA Affie x Afghani

* LA Confidential »»» O.G. LA Affie x Afghani


Rocklock - Genetik: Warlock x Rockstar, Sorte: Mostly indica ... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly indica; Flowering: ~56 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Warlock x Rockstar

Variety: Mostly indica (80%)

Harvest Date: September/October

Flowering Period: 8 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Good resin production


This plant is the perfect mix of heavy indicas finishing in 8 weeks. Good for high density planting, large crystal covered buds and resin production.

Strain Lineage:


* Rocklock »»» Warlock x Rockstar

* Warlock »»» {Skunk x Skunk} x Afghani

Sharksbreath - Genetik: Great White Shark x Jamaican Lambsbread, ... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly indica; Flowering: ~63 days; Normal or female seeds.


Genetics: Great White Shark x Jamaican Lambsbread

Variety: Mostly Indica (80%)

Type: f1 Hybrid

Harvest Date: September/October

Flowering Period: 9 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Short, stout plants


With amazing flavor and smell and an outstanding buzz, the guys at DNA Genetics have done an excellent job in creating this very special plant. The Sharksbreath is a highly potent strain. Short stout plants pack on frosty and very dense buds. A heavy feeder, good air flow is also required to prevent bud rot. A great low odor variety for the grower wanting a special headstash.

Strain Lineage:


* Sharksbreath »»» Great White Shark x Jamaican Lambsbread

* Great White Shark »»» Super Skunk x Sativa (Brazil) x Indica (India)

o Super Skunk »»» Skunk #1 x Afghani

+ Skunk Nr1 »»» indica/sativa


Sour Cream - Genetik: Original Sour Diesel x G13 Haze , Sorte: ... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~77 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Original Sour Diesel x G13 Haze

Variety: 80% sativa

Harvest Date: October / November

Flowering Period: 10-12 weeks

No. of Seeds Packet: 13

Characteristics: Haze n sour


Another wonder here with the G13 male in the mix why anyone would pass this Up. The best of both worlds, the classic Haze flavor mixed with Sour and the G13 yield. This plant has an amazing mix of Haze n Sour!

Strain Lineage:


* Sour Cream »»» Original Sour Diesel x G13 Haze


Super Cannalope - Genetik: Cannalope Haze x G13 Haze , Sorte: 90% sa... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~73 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Cannalope Haze X G13 Haze

Variety: 90% sativa

Harvest Date: October

Flowering Period: 9-12 weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Christmas-tree like growth


This cross proved worthy of not only one "keeper" working mom but 2. The variations here are mostly flower time and "Haze" smell. Some finish in 9-10 weeks while others 10-12... none seem too huge, just x-mass tree like in growth, very even.

Strain Lineage:


* Super Cannalope »»» Cannalope Haze x G13 Haze

* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

o Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

o Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

+ Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)


Sweet Haze - Genetik: Skunk x Haze x Cannalope Haze , Sorte: 90... Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~75 days; No feminized seeds.


Genetics: Skunk X Haze X Cannalopehaze

Variety: 90% sativa

Harvest Date: October-November

Flowering Period: 9+ weeks

No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13

Characteristics: Classic "haze" flavour


This plant has Haze!!!! She is a tall one, but not airy like a haze, she managed to keep the yield of the Cannalope with a haze bite. We see quite a mix with this one, some tall some huge but all have the classic "Haze" flavor.

Strain Lineage:


* Sweet Haze »»» Skunk x Haze x Cannalope Haze

* Cannalope Haze »»» Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa

o Haze bros original Haze »»» sativa

o Mexican Sativa »»» Sativa (Pakistan) x Sativa (Mexico) x Durban

+ Durban »»» Sativa (Africa)

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bonsoir je recherche des informations sur la sour cream de dna genetik:

-est elle vraiment high ?

-quelqu un ici la déja gouté? ou vaut-il mieux que je m oriente vers une de leur autre variété




Edit du 4 Férier j ai commandé la sour cream et la recon finalement..................mais vos avis m intéresse toujours..


un smoke report de sour cream (mauvaise traduction google mais on comprend.)

sour cream smoke report



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salut Orange Bud

C est déja fait je l ai mp et je fais des recherches de mon coté ( jai édité mon post précédent avec l ajout d un lien).

La je cherche des infos sur la recon que j ai commandé hier soir aussi


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