A propos de "drogues dures", mais où sont les "drogues molles" ?

A propos de "drogues dures", mais où sont les "drogues molles" ?
Par mrpolo ,

ne poster que sur FB ne rend pas la chose plus visible, au contraire !


Publié le: 29 juillet



Je viens de voir que notre ami Olivier Asteggiano vient d’entamer une procédure en déposant plainte pour "non assistance à personne en danger", dommage que ce soit seulement sur le réseau social (de la flicaille déguisée) qu’on en trouve trace... parce que sur Internet, mieux vaut rendre cette information disponible, tandis qu’ailleurs cela se perd dans le néant.


Donc pour la postérité, mais aussi pour que chacun puisse disposer de cette information, sans avoir à être l’ami d’untel ou le membre de telle cause ou groupe, voici la photo diffusée pour preuve du dépôt de plainte.


Mais à sa lecture, j’ai un autre commentaire à faire.


Drogues dures vs drogues molles


Ce n’est pas de la provocation, sauf à repenser le monde dans lequel les mensonges et l’hypocrisie de la politique de prohibition nous enferme. A quand les cures de désintoxication mentale ? Est-on assez intelligent pour comprendre que le distingo "drogues dures" est illusoire, voire factice sauf pour de facto considérer qu’il existe des "drogues douces ? Il n’y a pas pire message de "prévention", que de tout mélanger dans des catégories inexistantes, puisque le réel ne distingue qu’entre licite et illicite !


Un bémol important à mon sens pour ne pas perdre de vue que, si la drogue "dure" existe, et bien c’est d’abord l’alcool (et si il existe une drogue encore plus dure qu’on me le précise, en oubliant l’argent/fric/pognon, juste en parlant de substances modifiant les sensations physiques et mentales)... Allez pour faire plaisir aux défenseurs du cep de vigne, il y a sans doute une plante (la datura) plus dangereuse que l’alcool (qui n’est qu’un sous-produit de décomposition organique).


En tout cas, la morphine est celle qui sauve des vies quand la douleur est trop intense, mais qui rend très vite dépendant et dont le dosage doit être précis parce qu’il peut être létale (par overdose comme pour l’alcool !).


Alors oublions cette distinction sans fondement réel (un mensonge de plus véhiculé par la prohibition pour nous diviser)... ou alors considérons que les drogues "dures" ne sont que des drogues licites (alcool, tabac, jeux), et que pour les drogues illicites, il peut y avoir des usages "doux" et "durs" de substances psychotropes classées comme stupéfiants.


Par Farid


Source: CSF


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Invité maladdips


Sisley hit the sexy nail on the curly-mopped head with their latest lingerie look book (even coach backpacks outlet if the curly mop itself is not so convincing). If the classic lace pieces dont grab you, then perhaps a little twist like a ribbon that wraps around the torso does. I can only imagine that thered be a few ways to tie these ribbons up, and any one of them would leave you looking like a tempting present just waiting to be unwrapped. And, coach factory online if youre coach wholesale coach handbags outlet online still not captivated by those, theres a black satin kimono thats not only sultry but on trend too.

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Worth perusing in full, you can view more of Sisleys lingerie offering by clicking on the gallery.

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Invité maladdips


nk-->I am feeling the need for super ladylike bags that will spice up my humdrum wardrobe of late. I am in a slump as I try (and not very arduously) to get myself back to pre-baby weight but thank god for bags, right? More than ever I am relying on my beautiful bags to carry me through the rough patches of a non-optimal weight crisis. Just look at this Oscar frame bag, can’t you just see it with a simple dress? What simple Herve Leger Bandage Dress dress? Doesn’t matter really because all focus http://hlegersale.com/ will be on this bag with the chocolate patent goodness and interesting pleating detail. I absolutely love the matte gold hardware in all its detailed glory with the chocolate, it is divinely elegant. The shape of this bag is irresistibly adorable, I just want to give it a big hug (but of course I wouldn’t want to crush and crease the patent!). But I will clutch it close herve leger outlet to me like a security blanket as I wade through the herve leger dresses sea of underweight women in Los Angeles. Kind of makes me miss Boston where physical appearance was not so scrutinized (I feel myself getting in politically correctness trouble as I type this) but then again, how fun is that for fashion addicts, right? To make preemptive amends with those in Boston, congrats Red Sox!! Bag at Net a Porter for $2695.

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Invité Bupeguexine


The latest French uproar is over Carla and Sarko living la vida loca in coach factory outlet Mexico while their people get poorer by the minute (the euro’s not what it used to be, sad to say). But what about Carla’s total fashion week diss? Where was she at Dior, Chanel, Give

shion shows, and Karl. Sounds suspiciously like Paris, non?—Alison BaenenPhoto: ABBAS MOMANI/AFP/Getty Imagescarla knapp mixes it up style file Style.com

Like many a dedicated thrifter, designer Carla Knapp has occasionally succumbed to dreams of the ultimate score: a trunkful of mint-condition vintage just waiting to be mixed and matched into the modern girl’s casually classy wardrobe. A fantasy, sure, but Knapp has done her best to literalize it for the fall 2008 collection for her label, Mischen. “I was thinking, what if a girl inherited all her Parisian grandmother’s fabulous clothes,” explains Knapp of the collection’s mix of hoary coats, origami-inspired blouses and skirts, and femme-y frocks in prints riffing on antique wallpaper. Though the odd pair of trousers makes an appearance in the line, the two-year-old Mischen is a far cry from the coach outlet stuff Knapp was making at her last coach outlet website gig, as creative director of Paper Denim & Cloth. Currently pulling together the pieces she’ll be showing for her first-ever fashion presentation in September, Knapp is clear on one thing: “No jeans. Not now, not ever.” Grandma would approve.—Maya SingerPhoto: Andrew YeeCarla's Scandale, Prada's Transformer, And More… style file Style.com

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Invité Fluiceininank


Does anyone remember a little film called The Craft, a tale karen millen one shoulder dress of four goth-y, snarky teen witches and the classmates that they hated? You have to think back almost 15 years, to a time when I was merely a tween exploring my burgeoning love of black clothing that I have come to embrace now, at this later juncture in my life. I didn’t have any social problems in school, but I loved the idea of being disaffected and misunderstood. It seemed like all the coolest people were, at least in the movies, and karen millen skirts it also seemed like something that was easy enough to strive for. Obviously, I loved The Craft. Alexander Wang says that his Fall/Winter 2010 collection was inspired by Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe, but I think he might have secretly been a fan of a certain coven of mid-90s conjurers as well. The only things this collection missed were suspenders and Fairuza Balk. And really, based on the styling, it looks like Ms. Balk had her goth/grunge hands all over it. All of the models were a few days past their last hair-washing, and the http://kmillensale.co.uk/karen-millen-one-shoulder/ sunken-looking eyes and hollow cheeks made it seem as though it had been just as long since their last meal or nap. As for the collection itself, it included lots of deconstructed suiting, pinstripes, and tweed – Wall Street with a significant punk twist. We would be remiss, however, to not point out all of the incredibly 90s touches – mini backpacks, bare midriffs, knee socks, velvet. Since the fashion industry has already done http://kmillensale.co.uk/karen-millen-dresses/ nostalgia for every decade up to the 80s, it only make sense that the 90s would be next, http://kmillensale.co.uk/karen-millen-coats/ and it appears that Wang is one of the first major designers to usher in the trend. At an accessible price point and in neutral colors, I’m sure we’ll see plenty of this collection on fashionistas next fall. Do I like it? Well, sort of – it does remind me of my wannabe-disaffected youth, after all. Photos via Style.com.

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Invité kdszbjz|ellaiso


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Invité somnentee


rs with my depression, occasionally it has gotten so bad i have tried to take my own life 8230 i didnt know that i could apply for disability because of depression. i honestly thought, and still think that they are going to tell me to grow a backbone and get the f*** over it. May 22, 2012 at 11:29 pm 279 Youhavenoideawhatihavebeenthru says: Continue to be who you are, and do what you can do to get better. There will always be people out there that don锟斤拷t understand until they experience it or affected by it. Then and only then will they get it. These are the same people who can锟斤拷t understand why things happen to them, or can锟斤拷t see why they didn锟斤拷t get something they were expecting. Until they feel it锟斤拷not see it, but feel it锟斤拷its nonsense. My husband fit this profile. Who are you to tell me how to feel, when to feel it, and where to feel it. How can you tell me how to run my marriage and you锟斤拷re not married? How can you tell me that I am not colorblind? How can you tell me how to praise God, wholesale soccer jerseys and you never been to church? How can you tell me that cancer looks a certain way, and you never had it or never knew anyone cheap soccer jerseys online had it? How can you tell me how to raise my babies, and you dont have any? BUT YOUR ACTING LIKE ONE! The thing about dealing with something who has anything minor or major has nothing to do with your opinion, has nothing to do with where you have been or seen. It锟斤拷s about respect it锟斤拷s about attempting to do what you can to understand. Since, you feel like issues or different things people feel they go through is laziness, joke, not caring, come out with a book or start hold seminars to help those who are truly want to climb out of that black whole the steps out. Help to find jobs or websites for those you think are lazy. June 5, 2012 at 12:11 pm 280 barry says: Gary marshall you are the scum of the earth, your comment is appauling. People are dying over this illness. Most employers are not compassionate. Allot of the work culture is about fitting in, j




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Invité somnentee


of the series, went down to the wire, where england retro football shirts OU won 47 41. The streak was broken in 2011 when the Cowboys destroyed Oklahoma in Stillwater, 44 10 behind soon to be NFL draft picks Brandon Weeden and Justin Blackmon. Football is serious business in Alabama. After Crimson Tide fans get their tee shirts, sweatshirts, and hats, they might want to take a good look at some other options for showing their support and knowledge of their favorite team. 1. The Crimson Tide: An retro football shirt Illustrated History of Football at The University of AlabThis beautiful book spotlights Alabama football from 1892 to 2000 with over 300 colorful photographs. In this book you'll find highlights of the 1922 triumph over the University of Pennsylvania, the 1926 Rose Bowl, the twelve national championships, and of course, beloved coach, Paul "Bear" Bryant. 2. I Remember Paul "Bear" BryantWhat would the Crimson Tide be without legendary coach Bear Bryant? When he retired in 1982, he had won 323 games, 13 southeastern conferences, and six national championships. He was the winningest coach in history. In this book, the people who knew him best share their experiences with him. A must for Alabama fans!3. Faith of the Crimson Tide: Inspiring Alabama Sports Stories of FaithThis is a great book to give teens looking for heroes they can look up to from these Christian Athletes. The book covers testimonies from coaches and players for the Alabama Crimson Tide. Edited by Wayne Atcheson and John Croyle. 4. Topperscot Alabama Crimson Tide Mini Football Christmas Ornament Every serious Alabama football fan would love to see one or more of these Crimson Tide Football Ornaments under or on their tree. Decorate the whole tree or give at an ornament exchange party. 5. That's Me Sports Alabama Crimson Tide NCAA Football Personalized CD Surprise your Alabama fan with this 10 minute CD that includes professional announcers calling out their full name 16 times! Includes spot for their photo on the cover of the CD case. 6. Al




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Invité Lootouppy


Mr Johannesson has consistently claimed that the investigation is politically motivated. In trying to defend himself in last week's letter to the police department, he appears to concede that some changes were karen millen following internal audits and that money was paid to the sellers of the 10-11 outlets.When Baugur bought its stake in House of Fraser last month - at up to 135p a share - analysts said it would have to offer 150p to 160p a share to win control of the company."Because of the recession, people are going back to their countries.It makes you wonder why he agreed to sign in the first place" - Matthew Pitt."</p>Most of us girls have been about as likely to get our shirts made-to-measure as to spend long lunches puffing on a cigar at the Garrick."What is this? The Spanish Armada?" she says for example, or, "Ooh, I feel like a bleached whale."Fingers crossed it's back next year. I like Primark, http://karenmillenuk.webgarden.com/ Look, Oasis, Top Shop and Karen MillenDo you take advice?Yes - and I also have a stylist, Robert Morrison, who knows what works for me."What's incredible is to think what things were like only last year.Green said: "It's not a shift in stance or anything. If you're not lucky enough to inherit a karen millen, there are plenty of boutiques to help you purchase a piece of history, as well as the usual auction-site suspects. There were reports over the weekend that Baugur had offered to pull out of a consortium to buy Somerfield which includes Apax Partners, Barclays Capital and the property karen millen outlet Robert Tchenguiz, after the charges came to light.Get more article:http://www.podatkowerozliczenia.pl/index.php?action=profile;u=330097http://www.eurotrucksimulator.info/trailer-krone-pack/#comment-307058http://www.intkey.biz/news-add.htmlhttp://lurrenzinc.com/weixia9w23/2013/05/14/continued-from-page-1article-poorly-wrspun810_1/#comment-13http://elbuchevegano.com/foro/index.php?topic=240839.new#new

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Invité Faighzing


r than the script, alterations are in order. See Jerry Lewis' "The Patsy" 1964 for goofy singing. 3. "Happy Gilmore" 1996 Foul mouthed, hot tempered hockey player transforms himself into foul mouthed, hot tempered golfer in a picture which fancies itself as another "Caddyshack, " but is more like a divot. Bob Barker's bit may be the funniest in any Sandler, yet it fizzles into obscenity. A major, wrong headed gag has a family's car going over a cliff to apparent death. Sheesh. See Martin Lewis' "The Caddy" 1953 . 4. "The Waterboy" 1998 As usual with Adam's films, supporting actors Kathy Bates as Mama! and maybe a rare scripted idea provide the laughs in this tale of a mumbling, bumbling innocent, whom after 18 years as a career waterboy, suddenly finds himself as the new football ace. Our star is Least Valuable Player. See Martin Lewis' pigskin yarn, "That's My Boy" 1951, plus Jerry's top innocent, "The Ladies Man" 1961 . 5. "Little Nicky" 2000 Adam goes to Hell, on purpose. He's the son of Satan in an overblown special effects flick with a lazy grab bag of comedy. Frankly, I fell asleep. I did restart the DVD later, but darn the luck, it worked. You know, I watched this movie yesterday and I cannot recall one funny thing. I first saw Jerry soccer jerseys wholesale Lewis' evil character "The Nutty Professor" on June 21, 1963, and I remember every wacky moment. 6. "Big Daddy" 1999 I adore drive in movie theatres and travel far and wide to attend. It was 81 miles one way for a double feature with "Big Daddy. " After 20 tedious minutes of a small boy thrust upon Adam, I did something wholesale soccer jerseys from china I'd never done before during a film. I intentionally induced sleep. "Big Daddy" was the best nap I ever had! Thank you, Mr. Sandler, your co feature was great! See Jerry's "The Geisha Boy" 1958 . 7. "Mr. Deeds" 2002 Haven't seen it. I'm certainly not putting money into the pocket of anyone connected with this unnecessary remake. I'm going to scream now . SEE FRANK CAPRA'S "MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN" 1936 ! It's an American classic, for goodness sake. For lighthearted grins, go to town with Martin Lewis' "Hollywood or Bust" 1956 . What is Haan Crafts




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Invité DeagueZen


I hope many of you did the same, called in sick to work or something!Louis Vuitton may coach outlet pioneered the idea, but now handbags designers collaborating with high-profile artists is all the rage.Everyone from Dior to Coach has given it a shot, and in the case of Coach, it seems as though the company has judged such collaborations to be a roaring success.The Coach Duffel is a classic and I had a hard time deciding which color I wanted, but I am leaning towards the bright pink or blue.com.Images via Vogue Taiwan

Coach’s events are always fun, but every season, one of my favorite things about the brand’s coach outlet online is getting the opportunity to scope out the men’s bags and accessories right alongside the women’coach outlet free shipping collection, and every season, I come away with a mental list of men’s bags that I’d love to have for myself that rivals my mental list of women’s bags to covet.The inside of the flap is lined in satin fabric and there is an inside zip pocket.But the brand’s latest partnership with Rachel Zoe and music duo Karmin has me truly excited. </p> On the other hand, the slightly larger Brynne, rendered in calf hair, rings up at a whopping $1400.Not that I don’t want to.25″ x 6.I find the Coach Hamptons Wristlet to be the perfect gift for any girl out there; the pebbled leather is divine, the functionality of the wrist strap is perfect, and the size is just right. More article: http://forum.hundesportkalender.com/newreply.php?tid=15 http://www.oil.com.tw/modules/newbb/newtopic.php?forum=6++++++++++ http://www.windbird.hu.index5.louisminisale.com/?p=2525#comment-2965 http://biuforums.com/newreply.php?tid=2859 http://indianwebcam.in/2013/01/beautiful-brunette-and-her-free-webcam-sex/comment-page-1/#comment-153

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Invité Janicegvn


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Invité Breendadahsh


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Invité Treasefew


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Invité Loombaryroibe


le and what they thought. I had the same crummy coping mechanisms that they had. I learned a great deal there. I learned adult coping mechanisms, how to recognize my feelings, how to deal with problems. I learned that for me, I grieve over almost everything. I grieve if I stub my toe. Do I recognize this rieght of way? No, I do not. I have to figure out what is bothering me. I practice the principles of the Alanon program. I grew up in a world where things were not logical and I learned really crummy coping mechanisms replica soccer jerseys wholesale as a result. They worked as a child in that type of atmosphere, but not in the real world. The 12 step program of Alanon has given me a map for life. As a result, I have learned so much more about my religion that I never really understood. Later in life, my mother had problems with migraines and depression. She cheap soccer jerseys online told me one day that she had judged me to hard. I asked her what she was talking about and she said, I had never had a migrain before, now I have and it is terrible. I had never been depressed before, now I have and it is terrible. I always thought that you were weak, but that was not it at all, you were ill. Do I still get depressed? Yes I do. I have to stay on top of it all the time. Do I think that it is a good reason for disability? Sometimes I do. I do home visits on Medicaid patients and I see some that I think are just milking the government. Other I see, I think they have ligitimate reasons to stay home. I don't think they are fit for a job. However, I do think that most people with depression, would benefit from therapy that will help them to get back on top. If they would do that many could get back into the workforce, at least part time. We do not encourage these people to stay home, we encourage them to get out and see people and do things. Depression is not fun, and it is hard to deal with but one must deal with it to get better. Thanks. January 28, 2009 at 2:03 pm 94 BJ says: Thanks for recognizing that we who struggle with treatment resistant depression may look good on the outside but barely get through many days. I am a former mental health professional who h


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